
©Xinyuan(Caesar) Li


Visual Identity Design/ Bilingual Design/ Poster Design

Designer: Xinyuan(Caesar) Li, Chin-Wen Hsu
Creative director: Xinyuan(Caesar) Li, Ben Yi-Yu Qin, Ming Liew
Art director: Xinyuan(Caesar) Li
Photographer: Chin-Wen Hsu
Writer: Ben Yi-Yu Qin
Motion Designer: Chin-Wen Hsu, Xinyuan(Caesar) Li

Speacial thanks to the support from Run Artist Run

"And the Word was God(神)" is an exhibition at Run Artist Run for Melbourne Design Week 2024. It explores the evolution and transformation of language through the lens of three Chinese Australian artists. The exhibition delves into how language connects the past, present and future, highlighting the vibrant exchange between different cultures in Australia. Audiences are invited to reflect on their own linguistic experiences, promoting dialogue and understanding.

The design highlights the intercultural hybridity between Mandarin and Latin texts through the word "God" and its interpretations in Mandarin, each bearing unique cultural connotations. The concept of 'God' is expressed through three Chinese characters, including "神" (God), "佛" (Buddhism), and "道" (Taoism which signifies supreme power). By combining these characters, a new character is created to encapsulate the essence of these meanings, symbolising the intricate nature of intercultural translation. Using fluidity, blending, and repetition to symbolise how language can unify or divide, this innovative character invites viewers to appreciate the profound impact of communication on human connections.

Exhibition Project ︎

OH Calligraphy(Beta Version)

Type Design/Poster Design

Designed by Caesar Li,
Poster Designed by Caesar Li and Yifei Luo
Photography by Yifei Luo

Speacial thanks to the support from Dr Fayen d’Evie, Max Delany and Laura De Neefe

OH Calligraphy is a serif typeface that revives and reinterprets the first Latin typeface, Freundschrafts Antiqua, which was designed by a Chinese designer in 1959. It blends traditional Chinese calligraphic features with a contemporary aesthetic and incorporates the fluidity of Chinese calligraphy into a modular system. Its aims are to challenge the stereotypes perpetuated by 'chop suey' fonts in type design and to expand and redefine the visual and cultural boundaries of oriental type in Latin type design.

ah ah ah art! Chinese Art Club, 2023

Logo Design/Identity Design/ Poster Design/ Brochure Design/Billingual Design

Designed by Caesar Li, Zhen Xiong and Evelyn Han

Speacial thanks to the support from Dr Fayen d’Evie, Max Delany and Laura De Neefe

Established in 2023 by Caesar Li, Zhen Xiong, Evelyn Han and Yue Yang in collaboration with ACCA, ah ah ah art! is a social art club for Chinese speaking communities to engage with contemporary art and artists. The group aims to further build understanding, awareness and support for contemporary art in Chinese speaking communities.

The name of the art club is derived from one of the most commonly used sounds in language, “ah”, which is often used to express exclamations, surprises, questions, and other moods. In the Chinese language, the four tones give the language different expressions and meanings, and the same expression exists in different cultures and languages.

āh: Thinking, Hesitating

áh: Questioning

ǎh: Enlightening, “ah-ha” moment

àh: Surprising, Exclamation

The name āh áh ǎh àrt! reflects our love for art and the endless possibilities of artistic expression. We encourage everyone to give “ah ah ah art!” their own unique interpretation by varying the length, tone, and meaning of the phrase, allowing for diverse perspectives and ideas to be expressed.

ah ah ah art! 是一个当代艺术社交俱乐部,由Caeser Li、Zhen Xiong、Evelyn Han和Yue Yang于2023年与ACCA(澳大利亚当代艺术中心)合作成立,旨在促进华语社区与当代艺术及艺术家之间的互动。该艺术俱乐部致力于增进华语社区对当代艺术的认知,理解以及提供相应支持。






“āh áh ǎh àrt!”这个名称体现了我们对艺术的热爱和艺术表达的无尽可能性。我们鼓励每个人通过改变短语的长度、音调和含义,赋予“āh áh ǎh àrt!”自己独特的解释,以表达多样的观点和思想。

Website: https://acca.melbourne/
Instagram: ahahahartchineseartclub

Photography by Hawson Zhang.
Mesoscale S2_2023

MCD Graduation Show
Designed with and Supervised by Ziga Testen

MCD is the Master of Communication Design – and a Mesoscale Convection Discussion, a short-term technical weather forecast, or nowcast  of medium size or extent.

Mesoscale is a short-term design forecast or nowcast, operating between microscale and macroscale, which brings together a diverse community of expanded communication design practice and design-led research.